Don’t pretend to be disabled to get out of work. Like this guy. #army #korea

Army Recruiting Ad had the BAD WWII Soldiers in it

Cop Blasts his Car after an acorn fell on it… #police #military #army

The Acorn-Cop Incident – Its Weirder Than You Thought

Man pretended to have a mental disability to get out of military service. #army

Man Fakes Mental Disability to dodge Military Service

Soldiers who THINK they can call cadence! #army #navy #military

The Scariest type of Drill SGT. #army #basictraining #military #marines #navy

Woman steals $100 Million From US Army

Hiding in the Gas Chamber! #army #basictraining #navy #military

Houthi Training Video Bloopers! #army #military #navy #airforce

Deleted by YouTube! – Houthi Training Response to American Strikes

Breaking Down Houthi Response Video to US Air Strikes

Sold Out his Country for a Used Honda Civic. #china #spy

Chinas Spy get US Military Radar plans. #china #military #navy

Attourney does nothing while client jumps a judge. #crime #court

Sailor Betrays the US Military for $15,000

How you recruit an Infantryman. #army #marines #military

Silence of The Lambs Navy Cadet – Angry Meme Review

When the nice Mormon kid visits the #club ! #army #military